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Just Graduated and Looking for a Career - Not Just a Job

Just Graduated and Looking for a Career--Not Just a Job

Finding meaningful employment is something we all strive for.

Unfortunately, there are some who do not find that in their current position.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity rather than just a job, you are not alone. Recent graduates and seasoned professionals can all find themselves in the same boat, looking for a fulfilling career.

Much of our lives are spent at our jobs, so how can you make sure yours is the right fit for you? It’s a tough question without a simple answer. Luckily, you are in the right place to find some tips for landing the career you are looking for after graduation.

1.    Know What You Want to Do- It may sound simple, but many recent graduates struggle with the big picture. Often, we see career seekers thrust into the workforce without a true understanding of what they want to do in life. It is important to understand what you want to accomplish with your career. Find out what you like to do by completing a self-evaluation. Then go out into the workforce and do everything you can to make it happen.

 2.    Understand Your Salary Requirements- A lot of recent grads struggle in finding a job that adequately pays them. This is common; however, you can find yourself in an unsatisfying line of work if making your salary requirements is not feasible in that field. That is a problem. If you do not see the end goal within your reach, it will...

What to do When You Have No Friends

What to do When You Have No Friends

Finding People and Making Friends

The world is becoming an increasingly connected place.

And through the internet and social media, we find ourselves more connected by the day.

But, despite the instantaneous communication ability each of us has with a person in any corner of the globe, it is possible to feel isolated in today’s society. Even more than just possible, it is likely that technology can make us feel alone and unconnected with the world around us.

As we become more and more dependent on our personal devices to keep our relationships afloat, we are losing a connectivity to others. The phenomenon is prevalent in every faction of society. People are more likely to look to their personal electronic devices over a human for social stimulation.

However, there are many among us who still long for human companionship and tangible friends. Many people look for ways to make and retain relationships in our current society. It’s not always easy, but we at Peoplepedia have a few tips to simplify things.

What to Do When You Have No Friends

Having no friends is not fun. Most people long for friendship whether they would like to admit it. There are a number of things you can do to find other folks to enjoy your time with.

  • Get a new hobby: This is the easiest way to meet new friends. Find a new activity to peak your interest. Striking up a conversation and developing a friendship is
  • ...

How Do I Want to Be Remembered?

“Can I Be Remembered When I’m Gone?”

“They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.”

— Banksy

When a person reflects on their life and thinks about what will happen when they pass, you may hear them say things such as “I want to be remembered,” or “remember me when I’m gone.”

This is completely normal. Everyone wants to be remembered when they pass away. The legacy that we leave behind and how other people remember us is a way to measure how many lives we touched. It’s important to us that our friends and family remember us when we leave this world, as we would remember them.

There are plenty of ways to ensure that you will be remembered for as long as possible when you’re gone, but you need to ask yourself “how do I want to be remembered?”

Through photos?

Take a seemingly unnecessary number of photos with your friends and family and have them developed or backed up on a USB drive. It may be annoying for the people in your life, but when you are gone, your loved ones will have visual reminders of all your memories together. They can pass your pictures down from generation to generation and you will always be remembered by your family and friends.

Through hand-written journal?

Writing a journal of your everyday life is not only therapeutic...

How Do I Write My Autobiography?

How Do I Write My Autobiography

You probably have a story to tell. Well, being the encyclopedia of the human race, we understand that being able to write your autobiography or a story and have it published somewhere is incredibly important to you. There are a couple of problems you should plan to encounter should you take the traditional route to publish your autobiography.

For starters, publishing an autobiography with an editing or publishing house may not appeal to you. Not only does it take months or years for the editing process but being critiqued on every little detail in your story may deter you from wanting to work with editors and publishers.

Difficulties in Write Autobiography

When writing an autobiography or a biography, it may become increasingly difficult to piece together all the information you need through newspaper clippings, interviews with family members, and diary entries to tell the comprehensive story of your life or someone else’s. Sifting through mountains of information, both physical and digital, would cost so much time before you’ve even begun writing the story. Furthermore, the physical evidence involved could become damaged in an accident, stolen, or simply lost.

Specifically, for autobiographies, it may be hard to remember what you were doing or where you were living in certain times of your life. This could pose problems to a story writer like yourself who wants all of the correct information when beginning the journey of publishing your life story.

The solution to all of these problems is Peoplepedia....

How to Write Your Autobiography Online for Free

Write Your Autobiography Online

You probably have your autobiography or a story to tell. Well, being the encyclopedia of the human race, we understand that being able to write your autobiography or a story and have it published somewhere is incredibly important to you. There are a couple of problems you should plan to encounter should you take the traditional route to publish your life story.

How Do You Write and Publish your Autobiography?

For starters, publishing an autobiography or story with an editing or publishing house may not appeal to you. Not only does it take months or years for the editing process but being critiqued on every little detail in your story may deter you from wanting to work with editors and publishers.

When writing an autobiography or a biography, it may become increasingly difficult to piece together all the information you need through newspaper clippings, interviews with family members, and diary entries to tell the comprehensive story of your life or someone else’s. Sifting through mountains of information, both physical and digital, would cost so much time before you’ve even begun writing the story. Furthermore, the physical evidence involved could become damaged in an accident, stolen, or simply lost.

Specifically, for autobiographies, it may be hard to remember what you were doing or where you were living in certain times of your life. This could pose problems to an autobiography or  story writer like yourself who wants all of the correct information when beginning the journey of ...

Create Your Own Encyclopedia

Document Your Autobiographical Encyclopedia Entry

Document Your Autobiographical Encyclopedia Entry

Have you ever wanted to create your own Encyclopedia entry about yourself? Stake your claim in the history of the world? Maybe you’re looking for some sort of the encyclopedia of the human race to add yourself to? It might be incredibly important to you to share your story for generations to read about you. You may not be a celebrity, famous historian, or noted inventor, but you are important to the history of the human race.

There is a way to share your story and create your own encyclopedia entry to add to the encyclopedia of the human race with Peoplepedia.

The Encyclopedia of the Human Race

Peoplepedia is the encyclopedia of people! You don’t have to be Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, or Harriett Tubman to have your own biographical page. You can even write it yourself, so you can decide how you are remembered by generations to come.

When you write your encyclopedia entry on Peoplepedia, you can choose to share your subjective feelings and mix them with objective fact. Not only can you write about the key events that happened in your life, but your perspective and feelings can be captured with those events. If you are proud of graduating from college, starting a new career, or winning a prestigious award, record how you felt in the moment and add a new dimension to an autobiographical entry.

Create Your Own Encyclopedia Entry Online for Free


Making a Career Change to Find Your Dream Job

Making a Career Change to Find Your Dream Job

Sometimes, we find ourselves in a job or career that allows us to be financially stable and enjoy life outside of work, but the work itself is not what you ultimately envisioned yourself doing. Whether it be a position in an office, a part-time gig, or another position, people will take jobs that aren’t quite what they want for the promise of decent pay and hours that are “just OK.”

Although it is important to have a steady income to support yourself, your family, and still have the resources to enjoy yourself outside of the job, sometimes it becomes more important to enjoy your career. As the saying goes, “If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.” And it holds true for most people.

You must ask yourself, “do I love what I’m doing?” If you’re unsure or the answer is “no,” then maybe it’s time to start seeking better job opportunities.

The Benefits of Seeking New Job Opportunities

Even if you don’t yet know what you want to do for your career, there’s no better way to start a change than by simply looking! Once you shop around and start to get an idea of what’s available, you can begin figuring out what you want to do.

One of the other great things about getting back on the job market is that once you start interviewing for new jobs, you will most likely start gaining confidence in yourself and your...

Linkedin Profile Examples for Job Seekers

Linkedin Profile Examples for Job Seekers

Creating LinkedIn Profile from Your Peoplepedia Page

If you’ve decided that it’s time for you to look for a career change—or even your first professional job role—a LinkedIn profile is a highly-recommended tool for job seekers to network and use their connections to find new jobs and careers. It’s pretty easy to sign up, but most people pause when it’s time to start filling out all the information. That’s normal, as it can be difficult to sell yourself as a professional and sell your career history and job skills objectively. Additionally, it can be difficult, to sum up your positions at each company in a concise manner and describing your essential job functions can leave you frustrated and ready to quit looking for a job.

What if there already was a profile about you that you could transfer to LinkedIn to help you sell your experience and skills on the job market?

If you already have a Peoplepedia profile, your LinkedIn profile is already written. When you write about your day-to-day life in Peoplepedia, you’re already writing about your job functions, your skills, and your career history.  Also, when you fill in your STATUS in Peoplepedia, you are defining what kind of job or career you are seeking.  Then, it’s easy to copy and paste your Peoplepedia profile page to your LinkedIn profile sections, and suddenly, you have a comprehensive and detailed career history, highlighting your accomplishments and career advancements! It’s all there on your Peoplepedia...

Real Life Stories from People Just Like You

Real Life Stories from People Just Like You

Everyone has at least one story that they like to tell. A story that really gives insight into their passions, achievements, personality, and dreams. It’s important for people to tell this story, whether it be to a friend, stranger, or the entire world.

Sometimes, it can be inspiring to read the stories of others and learn more about someone’s day-to-day life as they share their real-life stories. It may not be interesting anymore to read about the lives of celebrities or historical figures. We see them in the news every day or we’ve already read about them in school.

There are real-life stories from people just like you on Peoplepedia. Generation Z, Millennials, and Baby Boomers are all sharing their real-life stories that you can relate to.

Generation Z, although still young, can begin writing their stories on Peoplepedia so that as they grow older, their life story will be comprehensive and complete. It’s important to start as soon as possible, as this generation will be able to record history and provide their insight on key events and how it affects their lives. Every day, their subjective feelings with objective fact give a comprehensive view of history in a day-by-day format. Although it’s never too late to start, Generation Z people will benefit greatly from starting to write a story online as soon as possible.

Millennials grew up with the advancement of a lot of technology and can write their inspirational life stories from the perspective of those who...

What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind for Your Family?

What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind for Your Family

Have you ever wondered how to leave a legacy for your family? Something for them to hold onto and remember you by once you’re gone?

While it is true that death is a part of life, and all of us will be making our departure at some point, that does not necessarily mean that being forgotten is also an inevitable part of existence.

When you make the choice to be remembered after death, you are faced with a question that only you can answer: What legacy do I want to leave behind?

When you’re struggling to answer the question, “How can I leave a legacy?”, you should keep in mind that hundreds of other people have answered it by creating a Peoplepedia profile!

You may be the only one who can craft your legacy, but you can at least receive advice and suggestions from other Peoplepedia users who have already made the choice to leave a legacy.

What Legacy Do I Want to Leave Behind?

When you decide to leave behind a legacy with Peoplepedia, you are making the choice to leave behind something substantive and meaningful for your family and other loved ones.

A Peoplepedia profile means so much more than a tangible heirloom, sum of money, or nothing at all. And best of all? Creating a profile on Peoplepedia is, and always will be, completely free!

A Peoplepedia profile consists of various sections of text in which you are free to let your true thoughts and...
