
Important Aspects to Include When Telling Your Life Story
When I think about writing my life story, I always find myself stopping to ask myself, “What are the most important aspects to include when telling my personal story?”
I ask myself this because I wish to use my time wisely and write about the aspects of my life that people will find most interesting and most impactful.
There is so much to say about one’s life, and narrowing it down to the most interesting and most impactful material can be hard to do without a second (or third!)...

In this crazy world, there’s no shortage of people with amazing stories. The problem is that actually meeting those people in our day-to-day lives can be hard to do.
Most of us have our routines, and it’s not always easy to meet new people when we’re busy doing what we need to do to meet all our obligations.
How are we supposed to find people with amazing stories?
At Peoplepedia, we found ourselves asking the same question. In fact, this is one of the many reasons we chose to start the Peoplepedia community! Write Your Life Story Online

I want to be remembered forever. Do you? If you’re reading this, the answer is probably “yes.” It’s totally natural to have the desire to live on after death, at least in some capacity.
Life is fleeting and impermanent. In fact, no one gets out alive. The knowledge that we are going to die is constantly lurking in the backs of our minds, making itself known every time we have a “close call.”
Knowing that our day will come sooner or later puts some degree of pressure on us to live like there’s no tomorrow, because we can never be...

The Benefits of Sharing Life Story Online
Have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of online storytelling? When you choose to write your story online, the impact can be greater than what you might assume.
When you share your life story online, you open yourself up to new opportunities to form friendships with people around the world, learn from the experiences of others, perhaps find your soulmate, or even connect with potential business associates!
Write Your Life Story Online
For many of us, the thought of sitting down to do some deep self-reflection and...

The thing about legacies is that leaving one behind means you’re not around to manage it anymore. The message that you leave for others after you pass on will remain as it was on the day you died.
Eventually, you will no longer have the ability to tweak, revise, or enhance it. Your life is only so long, and once it’s over, any unfinished work is going to stay that way – unfinished.
During your life, you must take the initiative to start sculpting your legacy in preparation for your departure. After all, it’s impossible to finish something you never...

Wikipedia and Peoplepedia are both online encyclopedias, and they both contain articles about people. Based on these criteria, they sound pretty similar, right?
Not exactly.
What you’ll find after delving a little bit deeper is that Wikipedia and Peoplepedia are actually quite different. Wikipedia contains articles about far more than just people; it’s a full-blown encyclopedia. This means that articles on Wikipedia must comply with strict rules and regulations from which Peoplepedia articles are exempt.
As I’m sure you’ve guessed from the name, Peoplepedia exclusively focuses on articles about people, and users are not subject to the rigorous rules and...

Anyone who’s ever turned to Wikipedia to find out the full story about somebody else’s life has probably wondered how to get on Wikipedia themselves. When we read the kinds of detailed, and sometimes fairly intimate, information that is written about people on Wikipedia, we stop and ask ourselves, “What does it take to get a Wikipedia page?”
For public figures, celebrities, the super-rich, and even the infamous, it seems natural that a Wikipedia page would be dedicated to them. They are likely to be people about which the general public has interest, so it’s not surprising that somebody has...

Peoplepedia is an encyclopedia of the human race. It is basically a version of Wikipedia that solely contains articles about people. These articles accumulate with every new user who joins and shares their life story, so over time, Peoplepedia will gradually grow into a comprehensive encyclopedia of the human race.
People are very complicated beings. We are each a product of our past experiences, and every single one of us operates in a unique way. Yes, culture affects our behavior to an extent, but our behavior is also largely determined by our own decisions.
The best way to get to...

People with Amazing Stories: Read About These Inspiring People and Share Your Own Story!
There is nothing quite as inspiring as real life success stories from real life people. People with amazing stories can serve as inspiration for us and lead us to pursue a life filled with our own amazing stories.
A Perfect Story for Every Occasion
We have all met at least one charismatic person who always seems to have a perfect story for every occasion. Imagine being at a dinner party and the topic of lawn care comes up, and lo and behold, somebody...

When we read inspiring and interesting real life stories, it’s natural to have thoughts like, “If that person could do that, why can’t I?” Learning about the successes of others can be very influential and motivational. Reading about the successes of others also helps us to believe our dreams are achievable, too!
The only problem is that finding interesting stories about real people that are entirely based on fact can be somewhat difficult. Unless it’s a story published by a reputable news source, it’s hard to know if a story is fact or fiction.
Plus, reputable news sources write in...