
I think all of us have read obituaries that felt sadly barren of detail and empty of feeling. “So-and-so joined the Lord on Monday at St. Mary’s Hospital. She is survived by her daughter, Cindy, and son, Jeffrey. Funeral information to be circulated shortly.”
Something along those lines. Generic, lacking any kind of genuine grief or sorrow over this person’s passing, and certainly lacking any information about the kind of person that “So-and-so” was.
If you want to be remembered after death as you really were, rather than portrayed in this passionless and, frankly, indifferent nature, there are certain steps...

I think you’d have a hard time finding someone who hasn’t read an obituary in the newspaper or online and wondered, “What will my obituary say? Who will write it? Will it sound as robotic and impersonal as this?”
If you’ve had these thoughts, you’re certainly not alone, and the difference between you and the rest of the population is that you clearly have interest in eliminating these concerns - or you wouldn’t be reading this blog!
If you’re in search of information on how to make an obituary online, you’ve come to the right place. Peoplepedia is designed for...

A question that plagues many of us is, “How do I want to be remembered?” Just after we’ve lost someone we know, this question takes an especially central position in the forefront of our minds.
Perhaps we attend a funeral, memorial service, wake, or another event to mourn the passing of someone we know. We observe the other people there, see how they’re behaving, look around at the photos and other sentimental props, and exchange stories with others about the person we’ve lost.
No matter what culture you come from, everybody has a different way of mourning their dead. Most...

I think it’s safe to say that many of us grew up imagining what our lives would be like when we found that special someone. We saw happy couples around us and pondered, “Will I find someone who loves me like that?”
It would be unfair to claim that finding a lifelong romantic partner is imperative in the quest for happiness. People find all kinds of ways to be happy. Happiness has many definitions, and it can be achieved by anyone who seeks it out.
However, finding the love of one’s life is a source of great happiness for many...

When I pass from this life to the next, I want to leave something behind. I don’t expect to have monuments built in my honor, but I don’t want to slip away unnoticed. I want to be survived by something – a legacy, a message, a statement.
The question is: How do I want to be remembered when I die?
Knowing that I want to be remembered is one thing, but figuring out how I want to be remembered when I die is another. It’s the difference between wishful thinking and turning those thoughts into a meaningful reality....

Your Digital Afterlife
Have you ever considered what will happen to your digital life after death? Though sweeping generalizations can certainly not be made, it’s fair to say that most people have at least one profile on a social networking site – be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, or any of the other plethora of options out there.
Digital Life After Death
What happens to your social networking site profiles after you die? And more importantly, what do you want to happen to them after you die?
On many social networking sites, your profile will simply...

What You Should Leave Behind After You Die
Death is a part of life, and everyone must come to accept this. Preparing for your death can ease the process not only for you, but for the people you leave behind when you pass on. Sure, there’s a will to be written and material possession to divvy up, but what else should you leave behind after you die?
Leave Your Legacy Online
The truth is, material possessions can only accomplish so much when it comes to leaving a legacy after you die. Heirlooms may be...

Being remembered forever is something that many of us fantasize about. We relish the thought of living on, even after our earthly bodies have expired. We wish that we could preserve ourselves so that anybody could meet us, learn from us, and hear about our life experiences.
Each of us has a story that is totally unique, and it’s troubling to think about how many people leave this life without writing their stories down for future generations to read.
No two people are exactly the same, and no two people ever will be.
Knowing that you are a one-of-a-kind is...

How to Create a Wikipedia Page for a Person
Have you ever tried to create a Wikipedia page for yourself or for a person? If you have, you probably wound up feeling disappointed. And if you haven’t, save yourself the trouble of trying, because it’s not going to work.
You may be questioning, “Why can’t I create my own Wiki? There seems to be a Wikipedia page about everyone. Why can’t there be one about me?” Can I Create My Own Wikipedia Page?
The Rules of Wikipedia to Create Page for a...

Think of a celebrity you admire. If you type this person’s name into Google and run a search, you’re sure to find a Wikipedia page about them on the first page of search results. Over the last several years, Wikipedia has evolved into a trusted source of information. It’s easy to navigate, and usually quite up-to-date.
From a person’s Wikipedia page, you can learn all sorts of information about them: their birthdate, a record of the work they’ve done, their most noteworthy accomplishments, the twists and turns of their personal life, etc.