

Just Graduated and Looking for a Career - Not Just a Job

Just Graduated and Looking for a Career--Not Just a Job

Finding meaningful employment is something we all strive for.

Unfortunately, there are some who do not find that in their current position.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity rather than just a job, you are not alone. Recent graduates and seasoned professionals can all find themselves in the same boat, looking for a fulfilling career.

Much of our lives are spent at our jobs, so how can you make sure yours is the right fit for you? It’s a tough question without a simple answer. Luckily, you are in the right place to find some tips for landing the career you are looking for after graduation.

1.    Know What You Want to Do- It may sound simple, but many recent graduates struggle with the big picture. Often, we see career seekers thrust into the workforce without a true understanding of what they want to do in life. It is important to understand what you want to accomplish with your career. Find out what you like to do by completing a self-evaluation. Then go out into the workforce and do everything you can to make it happen.

 2.    Understand Your Salary Requirements- A lot of recent grads struggle in finding a job that adequately pays them. This is common; however, you can find yourself in an unsatisfying line of work if making your salary requirements is not feasible in that field. That is a problem. If you do not see the end goal within your reach, it will...

Making a Career Change to Find Your Dream Job

Making a Career Change to Find Your Dream Job

Sometimes, we find ourselves in a job or career that allows us to be financially stable and enjoy life outside of work, but the work itself is not what you ultimately envisioned yourself doing. Whether it be a position in an office, a part-time gig, or another position, people will take jobs that aren’t quite what they want for the promise of decent pay and hours that are “just OK.”

Although it is important to have a steady income to support yourself, your family, and still have the resources to enjoy yourself outside of the job, sometimes it becomes more important to enjoy your career. As the saying goes, “If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.” And it holds true for most people.

You must ask yourself, “do I love what I’m doing?” If you’re unsure or the answer is “no,” then maybe it’s time to start seeking better job opportunities.

The Benefits of Seeking New Job Opportunities

Even if you don’t yet know what you want to do for your career, there’s no better way to start a change than by simply looking! Once you shop around and start to get an idea of what’s available, you can begin figuring out what you want to do.

One of the other great things about getting back on the job market is that once you start interviewing for new jobs, you will most likely start gaining confidence in yourself and your...

Linkedin Profile Examples for Job Seekers

Linkedin Profile Examples for Job Seekers

Creating LinkedIn Profile from Your Peoplepedia Page

If you’ve decided that it’s time for you to look for a career change—or even your first professional job role—a LinkedIn profile is a highly-recommended tool for job seekers to network and use their connections to find new jobs and careers. It’s pretty easy to sign up, but most people pause when it’s time to start filling out all the information. That’s normal, as it can be difficult to sell yourself as a professional and sell your career history and job skills objectively. Additionally, it can be difficult, to sum up your positions at each company in a concise manner and describing your essential job functions can leave you frustrated and ready to quit looking for a job.

What if there already was a profile about you that you could transfer to LinkedIn to help you sell your experience and skills on the job market?

If you already have a Peoplepedia profile, your LinkedIn profile is already written. When you write about your day-to-day life in Peoplepedia, you’re already writing about your job functions, your skills, and your career history.  Also, when you fill in your STATUS in Peoplepedia, you are defining what kind of job or career you are seeking.  Then, it’s easy to copy and paste your Peoplepedia profile page to your LinkedIn profile sections, and suddenly, you have a comprehensive and detailed career history, highlighting your accomplishments and career advancements! It’s all there on your Peoplepedia...

Looking for New Job Opportunities? Peoplepedia Can Help You.

Seeking New Job Opportunities

At any given moment, countless people are actively seeking new job opportunities. For many, this means seeking new job opportunities, but it can also mean seeking new experiences through extracurricular activities or forging new social connections.

How Peoplepedia Help You Find New Job Opportunities

Seeking a new job opportunity can be very intimidating, especially for people who have spent a long stint in their current position, with their current company, or in their current industry. However, “burn out” is a real phenomenon, and sometimes people crave the unfamiliar because they’re simply no longer enthusiastic about what they’ve been doing. 

People in the workforce spend a good portion of their waking hours at work. In the United States, full-time workers are usually on the job for at least 40 hours per week, which comprises about 35% of a person’s waking hours if they get 8 hours of sleep per night. That’s a big chunk! 

Spending this much time doing a job you don’t like or that just no longer brings you fulfillment is a sacrifice you don’t have to make. If you have decided to take the plunge and are currently seeking new opportunities, Peoplepedia could be a helpful resource.


Actively Seeking New Opportunities

If you are currently seeking new opportunities, you can leverage your Peoplepedia profile to help you with your job search! 

Your Peoplepedia profile is so much more detailed and revealing than a traditional resume. A resume is confined to one page in...

Looking for New Opportunities and Challenges

Why are You Looking for a New Opportunity and Challenges

Why are You Looking for a New Opportunities and Challenges

Are you looking for new challenges and opportunities? Have you found that since you realized you should start looking for new opportunities and challenges, you’ve felt overwhelmed by the number of different avenues you can take to find them, and ultimately felt even more stuck than you did before?


This is not uncommon

Realizing you need to start looking for new challenges and opportunities is one thing, but conducting your search (identifying opportunities that interest you, researching them, deciding if you can commit your time and potentially money to them, etc.) is a fairly labor-intensive and lengthy process. 

Maybe you’re not just looking for new hobbies and ways to spend your free time, but also new job opportunities to help you earn a comfortable living and get fulfillment out of your life. Work is an inevitable part of life, and finding a job that you enjoy and find worth doing is a huge component of feeling overall satisfaction with your life. 

Why are you looking for a new opportunity? Why are you interested in new job opportunities? 

These are questions you must answer before you can find opportunities that will truly improve your quality of life and make you feel like you’ve found your calling.


Looking for New Challenges And Opportunities

I think we have all probably experienced a challenge that was stressful and trying while we were living it, but...
